6.50Ct Oval Shape, Fantastic Transparent Lustrous Gems Natural Sky Blue Topaz

   Item Name : NATURAL TOPAZ
   Quantity: 1 PC
   Weight: 6.50 CT
   Size: 14.10 X 10.20 X 6.20 MM
   Shape: OVAL
   Color: SKY BLUE
   Clarity: VVS
   Treatment: HEATED
   Origin: BRAZIL
   Luster: EXCELLENT
   Hardness: 8.0
Internally flawless; free of  inclusions Very, very slight  inclusions; inclusions  barely seen under 10x  magnification Very slight inclusions;  inclusions can be seen under  10x magnification Slightly included; small  inclusions seen by naked eye Included; inclusions seen  with naked eye
     Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al2SiO4(F,OH)2. Topaz crystallizes in the orthorhombic stem,  and its crystals are mostly prismatic terminated by pyramidal and other faces. It is one of the hardest naturally occurring minerals (Mohs hardness  of 8) and is the hardest of any silicate (i.e., silicon-based) mineral. This hardness combined with its usual transparency and variety of colors  means that it has acquired wide use in jewellery as a cut gemstone as well as for intaglios and other gemstone carvings.

     Topaz is a silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine with the chemical formula Al2SiO4(F,OH)2. Topaz crystallizes in the orthorhombic system,  and its crystals are mostly prismatic terminated by pyramidal and other faces. It is one of the hardest naturally occurring minerals (Mohs hardness  of 8) and is the hardest of any silicate (i.e., silicon-based) mineral. This hardness combined with its usual transparency and variety of colors  means that it has acquired wide use in jewellery as a cut gemstone as well as for intaglios and other gemstone carvings.